Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Another Laser Cutter Update

Hi All,

After speaking with Andrew Macklin I can confirm you have an extension until Monday 25th of November.

Cheers, and good luck for the final push!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Laser Cutter update

Hi All,

By now you've probably heard the laser cutter in room 2025 is out of action.

It appears that the number 2 mirror (on the left hand side of the machine) wasn't pushed all the way in and when the laser hit the side of it the coating was destroyed, then the housing was demagnetized resulting in the stray beam melting the y-axis drive belt.

The end result is we have a $850 repair bill.

It's going to be fixed on Friday morning ... so you'll get access again after that.

I'm going to speak to Andrew Macklin regarding a further extension so you can finish off well.

Please take extra care when replacing the mirrors after you've inspected/cleaned them; if you are at all unsure do not proceed ... contact me or Hank Haeusler.

Finally, as a reminder, always ensure the extraction unit is on before cutting.



Friday, November 1, 2013

Laser cutter update

Hi All,

You'll be happy to know the laser cutter is working exactly as expected. Today students were cutting plywood and acrylic with no trouble at all. There was a lot of rastering going on too ... with some nice results.

The problem seemed to be that it was out of alignment ... going through a full alignment setup got it back to factory specs. My guess is this happened when I shifted the gantry with the machine being switched on.

Another thing to note is that the lens has a fracture in it (the technician showed me this last time he was here). This means that it has gotten dirty and the laser has heated up the glass lens rather than passing through it. They are about $500 to replace. With its current performance being ok we'll keep going with it as it is. But please remember to check the lenses and mirror every time to ensure they aren't dirty ... and if they are, please clean them before use (you will need to wait until they cool down if the machine has been in use ... say 5 minutes after use ... before you apply the cold fluid or this may crack the lens too).

Cheers, have a good weekend! 

Extension for Assignment 3

Hi Guys,

Flowing on from the setbacks earlier in the semester some of you have requested an extension for assignment 3. this seems perfectly reasonable to me, so your new date for submission is Monday 18th of November.
